
New Piece

Directions Score A chance piece with mallets. There's a lot of possible ways this piece could end up. But the form should cause an overall growth in density of sound, because the availibility of 'larger rest' elements. Because of the number of elements played, and the spacing of the larger rest areas, there will be [...]

By |2006-02-11T18:14:39-06:00February 11th, 2006|blog|0 Comments


My flight home at the start of Winterbreak from Baton Rouge had just enough passengers for each to have their own row. Now, both flights on the way back, Tampa to Atlanta, Atlanta to Baton Rouge have been packed. I didn't have much breakfast so I've been pounding the airline peanuts and a couple packs [...]

By |2016-11-01T22:30:21-05:00January 16th, 2006|blog|0 Comments


Everytime I go home, I realize how little I know about my parents and grandparents. My Grandfather, on my mom's side, has diabetes. Nothing too serious, but he's always been thin. He wasn't diagnosed until he moved to the US, well after my family moved to Florida. His grandparents owned a general store and spoiled [...]

By |2006-01-06T00:26:55-06:00January 6th, 2006|blog|0 Comments

Flight Home

On the the connecting flight on my way home from Atlanta to Tampa, I sat next to a girl who had just gotten out of basic training. She had just got her release and was flying home two weeks before going her assignment. She told me the hardest part wasn't the physical traning but rather [...]

By |2016-11-01T22:30:21-05:00December 23rd, 2005|blog|0 Comments

End of the semester

I'm back in Florida. I haven't been back in 4 months. Gloria came back last night- she's the last one to come back. It's been really weird living without my siblings. I did pretty well this semester and I'm really glad to be back home. I've been completely relaxing, playing video games, seeing my grandparents. [...]

By |2009-03-23T16:03:37-05:00December 23rd, 2005|blog, Me, slice of life|1 Comment

A cross post

My life right now is so streamlined I don't really have time for new things. I hardly have time for Law and Order. Everything else in my life is scheduled so I can do work. I realized a couple days ago that I don't really want anything for the holidays. I wouldn't be able to [...]

By |2005-11-29T01:12:08-06:00November 29th, 2005|blog|4 Comments


I stayed in Baton Rouge for Thanksgiving. My sisters went home. My mom called today and sounded really sad that my brother and I weren't there. I wish I could have been home. For Thanksgiving dinner, I made myself a turkey pita and a protein shake. I tried to make a baked potato, but didn't [...]

By |2005-11-29T14:35:29-06:00November 25th, 2005|blog|2 Comments

Post for days

My brother wrote a post the other day about his experience in Chicago so far. I related with it so much, I joked that I would copy the entire post and replace 'Chicago' with 'Baton Rouge' and would be completely true for me. But the following week, he made a post contrasting me with him, [...]

By |2016-11-01T22:30:21-05:00November 21st, 2005|blog|6 Comments

written word

Besides my assignments of woodwind quintet and string quintet (and bassoon sonata for fun), i want to write a piece for solo soprano. Please give me a original poem with sad/serious tone and subject of moderate length. 1, 2, or 3 parts. If 1 part, no more than 200 words. 2-3, no more than 400 [...]

By |2010-11-22T00:18:47-06:00November 14th, 2005|blog|4 Comments

April and Alice

April came to visit last weekend. She's the first person to come see my place from Gainesville. It was so good to see her- I missed her. I took her around town and we saw Saw 2 and Dreamer. I showed her campus, discovered a little room up a ladder, and made a scene in [...]

By |2016-11-01T22:30:21-05:00November 12th, 2005|blog|2 Comments
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