A Study in E(arnest) – Piano
A Study in E(arnest) for Piano was written for a performance of The Importance of Being Earnest for the LSU Threatre Department. Meant to be performed on stage or directly off stage. I wrote the short piece in line with Algernon's character and propensity to show off without caring about the details. NickHwang [...]

New Media Ensemble – Spring 2023
UW-Whitewater Music Department and MAGD Program present New Media Ensemble May 1, 2023, 7:30 PM Center for the Arts The New Media Ensemble is dedicated to the use and implementation of new technologies in performance. This concert explores the burgeoning of Artificial Intelligence, imagining a robot-dominated and confused world, in which robots [...]

Peace for Voice and Electronics, Nick Hwang, Text by Rupert Burke
Peace for Voice and Electronics is a work based on a poem by Rupert Burke. Premiere: May 22, 2021 - UW-Whitewater New Media Ensemble Concert, Whitewater, Wisconsin This work uses the text from Rupert Burke and his sentiment on war and allows performers to reinterpret the text through sampling, granulation, and commentary. [...]
SHP of THSEUS is a musical work for remote performers where the musical parameters are continuously changing, controlled by other performers and audience members. Based on Mythology and the thought experiment of identity, the shape of the work is predetermined but as it progresses, almost all sonic, visual, and control data is replaced multiple [...]
Sunset for Flute, Clarinet, and Piano
Sunset for Flute, Clarinet, and Piano Premiere: December 4, 2014 - Versipel New Music concert series, New Orleans, Louisiana Program Notes: Sunset is a collection of miniatures depicting the changing color, shadows, and light that come through in my house in Baton Rouge’s Garden District. The set depicts the often kaleidoscopic visage of a [...]

Dracones Nursery for Alto Saxophone and Live ElectroAcoustics
Dracones Nursery for Alto Saxophone and Live ElectroAcoustics Program Notes: Dracones, the race of giant, toothed serpentine monsters from Greek mythology (for example the Hydra and Hesperian Dragon, the hundred headed dragon which guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides included in Hercules lore,) have a reputation, as adults, of being large and ferocious. This [...]
String Quartet
String Quartet (2008). Premiered at Louisiana State University by Raul Gomez, Delyana Lazarova, Delcho Tenev, and Elizabeth Mezaros. 1. Proem 2. Nocturne 3. Fantasy Length: ~ 20 minutes
The Dark for Voice and Piano/Harpsichord
The Dark for Voice and Piano/Harpischord was written in 2006. Monica Filgo contributed the text from which the lyrics were based and is based on her experience being mugged. In the original text and adaptation, the author alternates between violent reality and numbing imagination. I felt the turning point in the text is when the [...]
Moment for solo cello
Moment for solo cello was originally composed in 2010 for LSU Theatre's An Evening of Anton Chekhov and performed by Susannah Montandon. ~6 minutes. Performance by Pedro Huff, 2012 Performance by Susannah Montandon, 2011
Adjacency for solo flute
Adjacency for solo flute was composed in 2008. Adjacency for Flute alone is a piece takes the neighbor tone and spins that into melodic song. Recording - Brittany Foster - Louisiana State University

Clarify for solo violin
Clarify for solo violin was written in 2007 and premiered by Raul Gomez at Louisiana State University.
GUA is a live manipulation and sampling digital instrument for laptop and iPad. Using various of sample, playback, pitch shift, delay, GUA uses live manipulation modules of pitch shift, delay, chorus flanging, filtering, and reverb. A 6-sampler array allows for varied or multiple inputs, variable playback rate, and adjustable scrubbing area. Since GUA [...]
What the Bells
'What the Bells' is a musical piece that involves Wiimote, Laptop, and iPhone/iPad. 'What the Bells' involves a 4 Bell players, each with Wii-Motes and laptop running a client Max patch. A central laptop sends performer instructions via OSC. Global parameters such as timbre changes and delay, controlled by iPhone or iPad, are sent to [...]
Night for Orchestra
Night for Full Orchestra was completed in 2008 and my master's thesis. [Score available on request]
Wait (2011) for 4-channel diffusion. Program Notes This work explores the confluence of two disparate sounds cast in a field of space and dynamics. The form of Wait is 4 repetitions of a single thought. Each repetition is a slight expansion and elaboration of the previous. Wait - Stereo Mix [...]

Pins and Needles Bend and Break for Solo Saxophone
Pins and Needles Bend and Break for Solo Saxophone is written 2010 and premiered by Lindsey Jacob at Louisiana State University. This piece is part of a greater collection of deconstructed children's tunes.
Sonata for Oboe and Piano
Sonata for Oboe and Piano was composed in 2003. The work has three very different moods in one of my first compositions. The first movement is fast and menacing. The second movement is very slow and tranquil. The third movement is a 'long-legged' dance. A pivoting minor sixth motif pervades in all three movements. [...]
Nick Hwang | WTFreq | Spring 2011 WTFreq is a piece for four wii-mote performers and four laptops. The piece is a followup to What the Bells, 2010. The piece uses demonstrative wii-mote moments to visually differentiate four types of sound synthesis. Automated instructions are displayed on each performers laptop display. [...]
What the Pluck
'What the Pluck' is the third piece in my Laptop Orchestra suite for Wii-motes. This pieces has live solo cello and Wii-mote performers. Wii-mote performers adopt cello performance gestures and read from a traditionally notated musical score. Performances: April 2011: Symposium of Laptop Ensembles and Orchestras (SLEO) May 2011: Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana Spring Concerto [...]